Voice Dialogue was developed by Drs Hal and Sidra Stone within their own relationship process. They travelled and taught extensively for more than thirty years. Therefore this unique consciousness process can be found all over the world in different forms. The founders have always insisted not to make Voice Dialogue certified, protecting it from becoming too structured and fixed. This means it is a very flexible system allowing practitioners to include the process into their own practice and finding their unique expression.
Ana Barner has been teaching Voice Dialogue internationally for over 30 years. These days a lot of the travelling has ceased and programs tend to be local and online.
Voice Dialogue Trainings:
The Intensive
This five day immersive experience is taught in combination with local psychologist Peter Chown. It is designed for anyone interested in personal development and professional training, as well as practitioners who want to extend their facilitation skills. It is open to newcomers and experienced facilitators. The Intensive presents an opportunity to delve deeply into the material but there is also the opportunity to participate in part of the program. The Theory of the Psychology of Selves and the practice of Voice Dialogue is always interspersed with a range of lively experiential processes. Focus is always learning facilitation skills and doing your own personal work.
Ongoing local practice groups
Ana has been in the Northern Rivers area for a long time teaching this work in a variety of ways. There is an extensive community of students and practitioners in the area. To find out what is happening right now please get in touch with Ana.
Online trainings
In 2019 Ana started training facilitators online as well. This is sometimes very challenging as she likes to keep programs very experiential. Therefore groups are small and the emphasis is on direct experience, practicing in dyads and in between meetings.
“Fortunate are the people who are able to attend this program with the two of you. You have the technical knowledge, you are solid teachers who both share a strong sense of humour; and most important – you have the magic that communicates itself in such a natural way.”
Dr. Hal Stone, originator of Voice Dialogue
Group Supervision
These supervision meetings provide the opportunity to process personal and professional situations within a small supervision group. The prerequisite to be able to join is the completion of a level 1 seminar or a similar program. Participants do not have to be currently working in the counselling or coaching field. Some groups are more focused on the professional context whereas others provide the opportunity for a more in-depth personal process. Most are limited to 3 people, each person has the opportunity to explore an issue within a 30 minute timeframe. whilst being witnessed by the others. There is some space for questions and feedback. These meetings happen locally and online.
Conscious Relating Seminars
Ana frequently works with couples and there has been strong interest in extending this to weekend groups. These seminars are open to anyone with a genuine interest in understanding and mastering all kinds of relationships. Participants do not need to have any prior experience with Voice Dialogue. The groups are designed to give couples and singles more insight into the dynamics of relationship and to develop new ways of relating. The workshops include a theoretical exploration of the sub personalities engaged in a relationship and the bonding patterns that develop. Practical and experiential processes deepen these insights. There is the possibility to learn the beginnings of facilitating each other.
Voice Constellations
This dynamic and lively form of Voice Dialogue provides the opportunity to explore personality and relationship patterns within a group format. Participants do not need to have any prior experience with Voice Dialogue. Using different people within the group to embody the internal family of Selves, the participants have the opportunity to experience their personality in a three dimensional active form. This process can be used to explore relationships, allowing participants to experience how their protection patterns keeps them away from experiencing and expressing vulnerability, restricting their ability to connect more deeply and fully.
“Ana Barner is a highly skilled Voice Dialogue practitioner and trainer. She makes working with this system look entirely effortless all the while taking people to deeply profound places. I have done numerous trainings' with her and continue to attend her courses because it is such an unusual thing to have this calibre of training available local to where I live. I have always sought out the best teachers in every field I have studied in, which has meant a lot of overseas travel for that purpose. This is the only intensive training I have done close to home, it is such a great thing to have the best of the Voice Dialogue world available here in Australia.
The Voice Dialogue process itself has become an invaluable tool for me in my therapeutic practice and the theoretical framework is now an integrated part of how I approach all of my work with people. It is a fantastically gentle approach to mapping the intricacies of the psyche and reverses feelings of shame whilst building profound self awareness. Giving space for all the inner voices to speak instigates a natural balancing and integration within the sub personality system whilst giving us access to the inner resources previously hidden in the shadows. I'm grateful to Ana for sharing her knowledge and skills so openly, this work has certainly enhanced my capacity to support my clients in multiple ways.”
Purdie Wood, Integrative Therapist