Voice Dialogue has been around since the mid 1970's and there is a multitude of material available in the form of Videos, audios, books, downloads and articles. Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone offer a lot of these for free and others can be purchased on their site.
The following section presents a few of the main introductory videos and articles for your enjoyment and learning experience.
Articles by Ana Barner
Transpersonal Dialogue - Voice Dialogue as a Transformative Practice
Articles by Hal and Sidra Stone
The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue For Professionals
Articles by Other Facilitators
Zohar E. Berchik - Allow Me To Introduce My Selves
Susan Schwartz Senstad - When Alarm Bells Should Ring
Voice Dialogue Videos with Ana Barner:
Individual Voice Dialogue sessions usually last 90 minutes (couples are 2 hours). The video below has been tightly edited down to a 10 minute YouTube version to give you an experience of an individual session.
Filmed during the Voice Dialogue Intensive 2012 in Northern NSW, Australia with Peter Chown. Ana Barner is talking about her personal connection to the transformative power of Voice Dialogue.
More Voice Dialogue videos with Ana in German on her YouTube channel.
Big Mind Big Heart 2009:
Voice Dialogue Videos with Hal Stone:
The power of Voice Dialogue